Ultra Fast Micro Wire Type T Thermocouple Probe, Exposed Tip 0.1°C (IT-1E)

Sale Price: $181.00
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Max tip diameter 0.009-inch, range to 150°C
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Same as IT-18 but sensor bead exposed. Combines the ultra-fast response of IT-23 with the Teflonª sheath strength of IT-18. Time constant .005 secs. Isolated.


Sensor Range: -58 to 302°F (-50 to 150°C)
Transition (SST): Max temp 302°F (150°C)
Cable: -58 to 302°F (-50 to 150°C)
Time Constant: 0.005 seconds typical in liquid. 0.025 seconds full reading.
Accuracy: ±0.2°F (±0.1°C) from 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)

Ultra Fast Micro Wire Type T Thermocouple Probe, Exposed Tip 0.1°C (IT-1E)

Sale Price: $181.00

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