Griddle Probe (-018)

SKU: THS-113-018
Sale Price: $181.00
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Weighted heavy duty probe for measuring hot plates and griddles, range to 482°F

Heavy duty weighted surface probe for measuring temperatures of hot plates and grills. Stainless steel armor protects the cable from hot surfaces. Uses the flat ribbon spring sensor design for speed and accuracy. Though designed for the fast food business, this probe is used by many other industries where it would be convenient to set the probe on a surface and leave it for extended measurements.


Sensor Range: -58 to 482°F (-50 to 250°C)
Transition (SST): Max temp 482°F (250°C)
Cable: -58 to 482°F (-50 to 250°C)
Time Constant: Less than 2 seconds typical in liquid. Less than 10 seconds full reading.

Griddle Probe (-018)

Sale Price: $181.00

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