The flexible, fast response, foil between pack probe has been designed to easily slip between packs or boxes of produce. Built for the ThermaData® Series data loggers. See additional probe options below.
Sensor Range: 32 to 212°F (0 to 100°C)
Sensor Type: Thermistor
Probe Dimensions: 0.78 x 1.57 in (20mm to 40mm)
Probe Length: 1.96" (50mm)
Cable Range: 5 to 221°F (-15 to 105°C)
Cable Material: PUR/PVC
Cable Length: 39"
Connector Type: 3 pin binder
Typical Accuracy: +/-0.7°F (0.4°C) from -4 to 212°F (-20 to 100°C)
Best Accuracy: +/-0.3°F (0.2°C) from 32 to 158°F (0 to 70°C)
Response Time: Less than 10 seconds in liquid